Monday, 12 November 2012

Week 3

After the long time I'm not updating my blog because have a lot thing to do with my assignment and laboratory. Now, I am here again... :) Today, I will try my best to complete my project schedule during all of this time.. :)


In the research that I mention earlier in week 2, my supervisor has given me a task to study and it is about RC Car. In that circuit, they are use PIC 16F877A as the main part of their project and I will use it in my project too. :) This week, I would like to brief you a little bit about PIC16F877A.


Figure : PIC16F877A Pin Connections
PIC16F877A belongs to Mid-Range PIC16 device a class of 8-bit microcontrollers. It offers a wide range of package option, as well as low-to-high levels of peripheral integration. These PIC16 devices feature various serial analogue and digital peripherals, such as USB, SPI 12CTM, USART, LCD and A/D converter. Its general structure is shown in Figure above.

  • Program memory (FLASH) – for storing a written program. Since memory made in FLASH technology can be programmed and cleared more than once, it makes this microcontroller suitable for device development.
  • EEPROM – data memory that needs to be saved when there is no supply. It is usually used for storing important data that must not be lost if power supply suddenly stops. For instance, one such data is an assigned temperature in temperature regulators. If during a loss of power supply this data was lost, then it would have to make the adjustment once again upon return of supply. Thus the device looses on self-reliance.
  • RAM – data memory used by a program during its execution. In RAM are stored all inter-results or temporary data during run-time. PORTA and PORTB are physical connections between the microcontroller and the outside world. PORTA has five, and PORTB has eight pins.
  • Free-Run Timer is an 8-bit register inside a microcontroller that works independently of the program. On every fourth clock of the oscillator it increments its value until it reaches the maximum (255), and then it starts counting over again from zero. The exact timing between each two increments of the timer contents, timer can be used for measuring time which is very useful with some devices.
  • Central Processing Unit has a role of connective element between other blocks in the microcontroller. It coordinates the work of other blocks and executes the user program.

Basic Circuit Of PIC16F877A 

(1) Power Supply
To start up your PIC16F877A, there are 7 pins you should connect correctly. Likes others electronic component, the supply pin is the most important. The ideal voltage for PIC16F877A is 5V (Direct Current). It should not be higher then 5.5V because it going to blow up. It also should not be less then 2V because it not going to be operate. You will have various type of supply such as battery and DC adapter. The problem is, if you use battery, it hard to fine normal battery in 5V. Yes you can use 3 normal 1.5V battery that connected in series. But I don’t think it will be efficient enough. So how if I use 9V battery? Yes I can use it but I need to step it down to 5V. How? You can use voltage regulator. LM7805 the part number of the voltage regulator that I used. The two number at the end of the part number is 05 which is mean it will step down the larger input voltage to 5V. Let say if use LM7809 it will step down the higher voltage then 9V to 9V. Here is the datasheet. This is the basic connection to step down 9V to 5V by using LM7805.

Using LM7805 is not only limited to battery supply source. But you can also use it at your rectifier circuit. Picture below show how the connection from the output of rectifier to the LM7805 and to PIC16F877.


VCC (+5V)

2) Reset Pin


So, how to give power supply to PIC is already covered. As I said before, there are 7 pins should be connect in order to let your PIC operate. 4 pins is already connected which is 2 pins for 5V and 2 pin for ground (negative). It 3 more pins left. The other important pin is Reset pin (MCLR – Master Clear Reset at Pin number 1). If PIC read 0V at MCLR pin, it will reset the program, so if you not connect the MCLR pin with 5V, PIC will remain reset and your program will not execute. You can directly connect the MCLR with 5V (series with resistor likes picture below) but you will unable to reset if your system goes wrong.

If you want to use the reset function, you need to create logic condition which is 1 and 0 to the reset pin. 1 is mean the reset pin get 5V. If the reset pin logic is 1, then the program in your PIC will execute, but if the reset pin logic condition is 0 (which is 0V) then your PIC will not execute the program.


Logic Condition
Program Status
Not Execute

So, how you can get this condition? The answer is simple, you just need a switch. But you cannot simply add a switch between the 5V and the reset pin. You will need the Pull Up Resistor. What is that thing? See the picture below, that is the correct way how to add up a switch in order to create the logic condition.


When the switch is not pushed, current will flow trough 10K resistor and MCLR Pin. As a result, MCLR Pin receive 5V and PIC read it as logic 1. But when switch is push, current will flow through 10K resistor, switch and directly to ground. There is no voltage will receive at MCLR Pin. This give 0 logic at MCLR Pin.

(3) The Oscillator 

Five from seven of important pins already covered, now there are only 2 pin left which is pin number 13 and 14. Those pin was named as OSC1 and OSC2. You can connect the crystal oscillator from various frequency. Pulse generated from the oscillator will some time have the noise. To reduce the noise, two capacitors in pico farad value is needed. The value of capacitor is depend on the speed of oscillator that you use. Here is the way how to connect the the crystal oscillator and capacitor value table.


Table from PIC16F87XA Datasheet

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